February Socks: Pigeonroof Studios

February socks!!!

I highly doubt I'll be able to finish these this month but that's ok! I'm totally smitten with them. I had a few false starts, I've knit the toes up to the increases on two other pairs before I frogged them. I'm the *worst* at being indecisive! Also, I've had to cut back my knitting time so I want to only work on a pair that I *love xten*!

Do you like my pig timer? I'm using him to keep track of knitting time. He cracks me up!!!! I got him at our local hardware store, I was using my phone but I sort of like the sound of the kitchen timer more. Plus it stops me from checking my phone every few minutes!

Pattern: Hermoine's Everyday Socks + Gussett Heel Toe Up Socks + two at a time

Yarn: Pigeonroof Studios in Blossom

Needles: Signature Needle Arts- Size 1

Stitch Marker: Bacon & Eggs from Sweet & Savory Trinkets

Yarn Bowl: Heartstrings Yarn Studio

Also, today I put my Farmer's Wife quilt on our bed, that's it in the background of these photos. I'm pretty keen on how it looks, at first I'd planned on just putting it in my hope chest and not using it at all but it matches my duvet nicely. I'm so in love with how traditional it looks, because it obviously is a traditional quilt! I'm hoping to finish up a Civil War quilt I'm working on soon-ish to add to my traditional quilt collection.
